Children’s Harp Program
It all started when…we realized we wanted to bring the joy and experience of playing the harp to disadvantaged children in elementary schools.
Our Board of Directors supported the purchase of 8 small harps to begin the program. Schools are selected by their desire to bring harp skills to their music training. Each teacher co-teaches with one of our harpists for one semester. The teacher agrees to raise money to obtain one harp for the school that will remain in the classroom once JPG goes to the next school.
The music teachers select which grade of children will receive harp lessons, based upon the knowledge of their students. The training is held daily for approximately 15 weeks. Goals include:
History of the harp
Care of the harp
Learning melody
Learning chords
Playing as a group in 2 parts
Composing an original piece in 4/4 time and performing it for 4 measures the last day of class
Our goal is to introduce the harp to children who might not have any other chance to learn this magnificent instrument. We hope that some will continue their learning and become harpists.
This program is possible due to the generous donations to JPG Harp Connections. If you would like to contribute, please click on Donate button.