Harp Scholarship Application


Harp Scholarship Application


Thank you for your interest in the JPG Harp Scholarship!

Please complete the form provided. All applications must be submitted by November 30th each year.  In addition to the form, you will send a copy of two 2-minute sections of music and email them to jpgharpconnections@gmail.com.

If you have created your own arrangement that is fine. Please give us the key, time signature and a handwritten draft of the notes if you are able.

In January, the JPG Harp Scholarship Committee will contact you to schedule a brief Zoom call. During that Zoom call, we will get to know you better and you can talk about your pieces. Then you will play an approximate two minute segment of each piece.  The winners will be announced January 31st of each year, the birthday of the scholarships name sake, Jan Pennington Grey

If you have further questions, you may email us at jpgharpconnections@gmail.com. There are different levels for each award so we encourage you to apply. As stated before, we send the winners a check for them to spend any way they want to further their harp journey.

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Scholarships are awarded in three categories:

  • Performance Training ($800 first place, $500 second place)

  • General Training ($500 first place, $300 second place)

  • Harp Confab attendee (full tuition including course registration and lunches)

These scholarships are offered to harpists, who live in the United States*, with their pursuit of achieving a more advanced level of accomplishment in the field of performance and service to others. The awarded harpists receive a check for the amount they have earned through their entry and selection by the committee.

*(The change requiring applying harpists to live in the USA was made by JPG’s Board of Directors on November 3, 2024.)